Here are some shots from the hospital. It was a nervous and scary time for us both. We waited and waited, it felt like I was in line for the scariest roller coaster. I was nervous, excited, nervous then excited again. Needless to say the waiting sucked, but it was all worth it in the end when I was finally able to hold my son.

Kim hooked up to some crazy monitors

Shes gonna kill me for this but how could I resist with the old butt hanging out of the hospital gown picture, c'mon does that ever get old, LOL.
( I just had to blur out a certain area, OR ELSE!!!)

Heres Kim realizing it was a HUGE waste of time doing the hair in the morning. You girls and your hair, gotta look good for the delivery.

It was cool they let me bring in the camera, but I had to stay behind the wall : (
I was amazed with all the stuff going on in the room, it was crazy

Doctors hard at work.

The final weigh in, 8lbs and 12oz. A Keeper, must be from Kim's side of the family

The EXTREMELY PROUD brother. Jordan couldn't wait to hold Aiden.

My mom finally gets to meet her third grandson

Kim's mom gettin in a work out holding the bruiser : )

Kim's dad finally gets his hands on his second grandson.